Saturday, June 26, 2010

Iceland June 25

A pretty lazy day--I spent most of it in my hotel room 'cause I didn't want to lug all my guides and maps somewhere else to figure out what I wanted to do. Some of the tours I don't have gear for, and I don't want to buy new hiking boots just to go on a glacier hike or day hikes. Some I couldn't do because I was to far away--it would have been a 5 hour drive to get to Ísafjörður to get to the Western Islands, such as Vigur, or to do a sea kayaking trip in the fjords (for only $60).

So I limited to the Brewery tour, which has since been canceled.

Went to the Seafood Cellar. This is where I went last year--best meal of my life. This one wasn't quite as good because 1/2 of the lamb dish could have been better.

Complimentary starter: raw reindeer with cashews and cranberries
Bread: home made multigrain with a exotic fruit, oil, lemongrass dipping sauce, to be finished off with dipping the now soaked bread in crushed nuts and herbs.
Appetizer: the amazing lobster, foie gras, truffle, cauliflower dish steamed together in a little jar.
Entrée: The barbecue lamb chops weren't too special although the lamb filet with the garlic potatoes and sautéed peppers was amazing.
...second best meal I've ever had.
House wine was the only stuff by the glass, but it was wonderful.

Those of you who know Morris, and Bello's...well, what is there to say. I had food that wasn't salty and wasn't in a cream sauce...what a novelty !

After dinner, I went to Café Rosenberg, but there was no one on stage so I came back, took a nap and headed out around 11:30. And what a band: Varsjárbandalagið Warsaw pact. Most of their stuff sounded like "Candlestick" on their site. Very nice--see also 26th's posting with regard to mosh-pit dancer. Some page said that Icelanders love their hot dogs and like to finish their night with one after the bars, so I walked back into town after Café Rosenberg and went to THE hot dog joint--been there since 1937: Bæjarins Bestu. kristjanagl at "Next Stop" lists the stuff on an everything dog: ketchup, mustard, remoulade, onions, & fried onions. Photo's from there too:

It was good--hot dog popped when bitten into, but the remoulade was interesting. Someone in the family PLEASE remind me to go to Pott's next time I'm in town...or let's go together. Icelandic dog is good, but I prefer a Pott's with everyting: mustard, cheese, onions and chili.

I'm typing this up on the 26th, so I've just seen that the US tied with Ghana.

After the hotdog I went to the 24 hour grocery story in the heart of the city for some Skyr--Icelandic yoghurt but incredibly thicker--almost like the consistency of a thinned out cream cheese.

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